“Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.”
– Eugene Peterson
Remodeling is not what you see on TV.
There is far more planning, far higher costs, and far more stress involved than what Ty Pennington and his crew on Extreme Home Makeover may convey. The process, when done correctly, takes a long time and having contractors in and out of your home for months is sure to lead to frustration. As exciting as the idea of a remodel is, the actual process can be taxing in more ways than one. That’s why it is so important to find an expert you trust. Trust and wise counsel lightens the burden because it leaves the decision making to you while the experts do the work. Ultimately, a general contractor’s goal should be to make the process as enjoyable as possible (the origin of J&R’s motto “Helping You to Enjoy the Process“) and to take into account the things you may not have thought of. Here are some things you may not have considered:
Your budget may disqualify you from certain contractors.
General contractors wear a lot of hats in the world of remodeling, but not all home remodelers are the same. When it comes to your project, you should expect that certain contractors only work with higher-end homes. That’s just the nature of the business, it is about income for the contractor and often they’ll refer you to someone better suited for your needs so everyone walks away happy.
Your timeline may be unrealistic.
Your home is important and it should be important to your contractor. This means your contractor may have to push deadlines back in order to meet your expectations. At the end of the day, you’d rather your home look and feel like home than to sacrifice that look and feel for expedience. Take your time! It will be worth it when you live in the home of your dreams.
- Side note: This means you should plan your temporary housing accordingly.
Kids and pets may affect the remodeling process.
Young children and pets can make entering the home difficult. Pets generally don’t like strangers entering the home, especially loud strangers, and even if you trust your teenager to be home alone most company policies will prevent contractors from entering if an adult is not present.
Warranties are super important!
Make sure your contractor provides a warranty on their craftsmanship, otherwise you may be stuck with a mess of a project in a year and no one to hold responsible.
I know, I know. This sounds overwhelming, but I promise you: with the proper guidance by experienced professionals you can enjoy your remodel! Even the tedious parts will be easier. At J&R we put you first in all that we do, so if you are ready to make the leap, we would love to help you Enjoy the Process!